
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Entity Framework DataAnnotations Cheat Sheet

I have been looking everywhere for a Cheat Sheet like this but could not find anything, So I had to make my own, I hope you find it useful:

DataAnnotations Cheat Sheet v1.0

Name: AssociationAttribute

Description: Specifies that an entity member represents a data relationship, such as a foreign key relationship.
Usage: [Association(Name, OtherKey, ThisKey)]
[Table(Name = "Customers")]
public partial class Customer
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true)]
    public string CustomerID;
    // ...
    private EntitySet<Order> _Orders;
    [Association(Storage = "_Orders", OtherKey = "CustomerID")]
    public EntitySet<Order> Orders
        get { return this._Orders; }
        set { this._Orders.Assign(value); }

Name: BindableTypeAttribute
Description: Specifies whether a type is typically used for binding.
Usage: [BindableType(IsBindable = bool)]
  [BindableType(IsBindable = false)]
  public enum EntityState
    Detached = 1,
    Unchanged = 2,
    Added = 4,
    Deleted = 8,
    Modified = 16,